Dog cooling mats are special mats designed to help regulate the body temperature of dogs in hot weather. They are made of materials that can absorb and dissipate heat, such as gel-infused foam, phase-change materials, or water-absorbing polymers. Many dogs love their cooling mats, especially when the weather is hot. Dogs do not sweat like humans, and they rely on panting to regulate their body temperature. However, panting may not be enough in extreme heat, and a cooling mat can provide relief and help prevent heatstroke. The mat stays cool to the touch and helps cool down a dog's body as they lie on it. Most dogs find the cool surface of the mat to be soothing; however, every dog is different and some may not be immediately comfortable with a new type of surface. It's a good idea to introduce the mat gradually and monitor your dog's behavior to ensure they are comfortable and not experiencing any adverse reactions. Additionally, some dogs may prefer a particular type of cooling mat or may not like using a mat at all. It's important to observe your dog's behavior and preferences and adjust accordingly to ensure their comfort and well-being. Dog cooling mats are usually lightweight and portable, making them convenient for use both indoors and outdoors. They are available in a variety of sizes and styles, and they may be sold with a removable, washable cover for easy cleaning. Here are a few of our favorites from Amazon: BEAUTY ZOO COOLING MAT - This mat has an absorbent layer and is machine washable. Cool, but not cold, this is a great introduction to cooling mats! PRESSURE ACTIVATED GEL PAD - This mat is self cooling or can be placed in your refrigerator for faster activation. This pad is filled with a non-toxic gel that can also have orthopedic advantages but might not be the best choice for chewers. Sizing matches many popular crate sizes. HYDRO COOLING MAT - This mat has a removable ice pack and is the "coolest" of the options but also the most expensive and least convenient. Can be made larger by joining mats together. Probably best for serious heat or when medically required.
![]() We've mentioned in prior posts that we are a fan of the Kong for training and occupying puppies; however, we've also found that people can be confused about what to do with the Kong and exactly how to get a puppy interested in playing with it. We also know there are a lot of products available at pet stores to stuff Kongs but they aren't necessarily healthy options or good for young puppies. Here are a few basic ideas and recipes to get you started on Kong stuffing and to give you the confidence to start creating your own recipes and strategies. BASIC TIPS:
SHOPPING LIST: You don't need all of these items but will want a combination of dry goods and "mashable" healthy foods to layer your Kong:
These are just a few ideas to help you understand the progression of Kong stuffing and how it can occupy your puppy. Don't be afraid to experiment with different recipes to find a few favorites that your dog will love. Just be aware of the added calories and sugar and consider stuffed Kong when making sure your dog gets a balanced diet. Does your dog have a favorite Kong recipe? We'd love for you to share it here! ![]() Another common question we hear is, "Help, I'm picking up my new puppy tomorrow. What do I need?" Here are our top picks, all of which can be accessed on by clicking on the item. Please see the end of this post on affiliate links and using Amazon Smile to donate to our SPCA! THE BASICS:
As we've mentioned, we are huge supporters of our local SPCA. If you have benefited from this list, please consider using the Amazon Smile program and adding "Dorchester Paws" to your list of organizations to receive donations from your shopping. Please also note that we may receive credit from Amazon for affiliate links provided in this list. All affiliate earnings are donated to the SPCA. Have something to add to the list, please share your ideas with future puppy owners by commenting on this post with your suggestions! Thank you! |
This blog contains affiliate links. I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made from links on this blog. We do not recommend any products that we do not purchase and use for our dogs. Categories
April 2024